The members of the targeted group are social enterprises small-medium sized, with a turnover between € 500,000 and € 2,200,000 and a number of employees between 20 and 100.
- Social Cooperative Arcobaleno from Breno: socio-educational center, assisted accomodation for people with socio-economic problems
- Social Cooperative Azzurra from Darfo Boario Terme: education and home assistance for disability people
- Social Cooperative Casa del Fanciullo from Darfo Boario Terme: under age services, assisted accomodation for people with socio-economic problems, youth centers, education support, summer entertainment services
- Social Cooperative Il Cardo from Edolo: assisted accomodation for people with socio-economic problems, services to the old/under aged/disabled
- Social Cooperative Si può from Darfo Boario Terme: mental disordered integration services and data collection center on mental disorder and relationship management
- Social Cooperative CSC from Darfo Boario Terme: data entry of data bases, information technology consultancy
- Social Cooperative Il Leggio from Ceto: events, library management, museums, didactics and museum planning
- Social Cooperative Il Piccolo Sentiero from Lovere: creation of conservation of green spaces, cleaning, billposting, canteen management
- Social Cooperative Iris from Darfo Boario Terme: industrial and public cleaning, catering, porterage, gas and electricity meter reading
- Social Cooperative ProSer Valcamonica from Darfo Boario Terme: private and industrial cleaning, laundry service, agriculture (vegetation plantation and cattle breeding)
- Social Cooperative Soleco from Darfo Boario Terme: road cleaning, separete collection rubbish and environment education
- Social Cooperative Il Sorriso from Ceto: school canteen management, cleaning, young and disadvantaged women education
- Pia Fondazione Valle Camonica from Malegno: assistance for disability people
The strenghts that characterized cooperatives are mainly:
- employees have a direct interest in the lives of their cooperative, in fact more than half of employees are working members
- cooperatives have a strong female presence, both among members, and in the BoD (60%)
- cooperatives’ employee have a medium high culture: over 25% (43% in cooperatives type A) of the employees have a degree or has a high school degree
- the cooperative in order to join the Consortium Solco Camunia have to subscribe to very strict rules on the correct working relationship towards its employees
All this translates into a great sense of belonging and a general willingness to change, important features in order to propose new models of management.
A critical element is the lack of widespread managerial culture. Cooperatives were born about 30 years ago, from the processing of voluntary associations in the form of co-operative enterprise and, in general, the management was entrusted to the volunteer members that have prevented the development of a stable organizational structure able to survive the average duration of social mandates that, on average, is no more than 6-9 years long. Today awarness of this gap puts cooperatives in a state of good disposition toward new proposals for the management of thei businesses.
This is a fundamental element for the success of the Act Social project.